目前分類:我在布袋cosplay (5)

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saltyoung 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

It's 8:30 in the morning.  The sun is up, blazing in the sky.  The Taiwan air is not only hot but very sticky.  There is a small house surrounded by natural lakes, and manmade salt flats.  You see a group of people wearing sweat stained shirts moving bags of salt into a small wooden shed.  Those people were Jackie, Wen Ya, Yu An, Boss and me when went to the salt flats to clean up the area.  There were bags of salt that were waiting to be moved by Jackie and me.  Jackie and I placed giant bags of salt on a wheelbarrow, wheeled the bags toward a shed, then carried the bags into the shed.  While we were doing that, Wen Ya and Yu An were having fun taking pictures of Jackie and me hard at work.

 Salty Bag   

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